Investigation of the change in bearing capacity of drilling piles, depending on the methods of its determination

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Vasul Pidlutskiy
Oleksandr Gavryliuk
Viacheslav Demidov


One of the important issues when designing high-rise buildings is the effective construction of the foundations as they have to withstand
considerable load on the base.

Under heavy load at the base, it is rational to use pile foundations that can transfer loads fromabove superstructures to soils with the required bearing capacity that lie at a certain depth.

These requirements are completely met by piles, which are arranged by drilling technology.The analysis of publications and the practice of using piles shows that the bearing capacity of drilling piles, which is determined by the formulas of norms, is low. This leads to an increase in the number of piles, their length and diameter, the cost of building materials. In the end, this leads to an increase in the cost of the foundation.

In Ukraine, until now, the determination of the bearing capacity of drilling piles was performed according to the method of formulas of norms [1], and according to the method of cone penetration test (CPT), such a technique is absent in Ukrainian norms. Thus, the lack of approved regulatory documentation in Ukraine that would regulate the method of determining the bearing capacity of drilling piles by cone penetration test (CPT) prompts a request for its development.

The article presents the results of comparing the bearing capacity of drilling piles and their design load, which are determined by different methods on five construction sites with different soil conditions. The results of calculations on tabular values of norm formulas, cone penetration test materials and field tests of piles are compared. On the basis of the analysis of the obtained results, additions to the engineering method of determining the bearing capacity of the drilling piles according to the results of cone penetration test (CPT) are proposed. This method is to determine the bearing capacity of drilling piles by cone penetration test (CPT) according to the method of Ukrainian norms for piling piles using an additional coefficient of working conditions of the pile on the side surface.

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How to Cite
Pidlutskiy, V., Gavryliuk, O., & Demidov, V. (2019). Investigation of the change in bearing capacity of drilling piles, depending on the methods of its determination. Bases and Foundations, (39), 33–40.
Author Biographies

Vasul Pidlutskiy, Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури 31, просп. Повітрофлотський, Київ, Україна, 03037

Доцент кафедри геотехніки к.т.н., доц.

Oleksandr Gavryliuk, Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури 31, просп. Повітрофлотський, Київ, Україна, 03037

Асистент кафедри геотехніки

Viacheslav Demidov, Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури 31, просп. Повітрофлотський, Київ, Україна, 03037

Магістр кафедри геотехніки


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