Recommendations for the determination of the main parameters of the operating features pressed hanging piles
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The conducted experimental and theoretical investigations have allowed to reveal the influence of natural factors on the basic parameters of the efficiency of single hanging pushed and loaded piles. The mutual negative influence of two alternatingly pushed and adjacent piles on their bearing capacity and additional precipitation has been established. Recommendations for the inclusion of these data in practical calculations have been prepared.
The review of literary [1-6] and normative [7, 8, 12-17] sources showed that for a wider introduction to the practice of building an effective method of deepening the piles by pressing it is necessary to be able to reliably determine in concrete soil conditions the calculated resistance of the soil of the baseof a single pile for a given subsidence or calculated bearing capacity of the soil of the pile foundation, settling the palle as a separate basement or as a part of the bush, the marginal effort of pushing, the distance between the piles, in which their mutual influence and influence on the neighboring foundations aye minimal; time of "rest" of a pile, which it is necessary to wait before transferring to it the estimated load, etc.
A characteristic feature of the method of determination of the basic sediments of short hanging prismatic piles in sandy or close to soils specified by the authors is the consideration of the influence of the method of their deepening by indentation with the help of the KS coefficient, which varies within 0.9...1.6, as well as the conditions the work of the newly pressed pile in the soil in the presence of a nearby and loaded vertical static compression load of the previously submerged pile by using the coefficient γc,s = 1,0 ... 1,6, depending on the distance between them.
The expediency of application of the specified method of determination of experimental and calculated values of bearing capacity and settling of two alternately pressed prismatic piles is given, which made it possible to take better account of their mutual influence in the pressing.
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