General characteristics of surface balls of soil on the territory of the republic of Congo (Brazzavil)

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Nikolay Kornienko
Ndinga Many Rodolphe


For the whole of Africa, the tropics are characterized by a lateritic process of soil formation. In the equatorial climate under moist evergreen forests developed red-yellow laterite soils, which are characterized by good aeration and permeability. Only in the western part of the Congo basin, where the year is very slow, a large area is occupied by lateritic gley and tropical marsh soils. The general characteristics of soils are given. A general assessment of soils in the territory of the Congo has been carried out, which generally allows for four main classes to be distinguished: sown soils, podzols, ferrlytic soils, hydromorphic soils. The ground map and the main types of soil in the Congo are shown. The general geological characteristic of the considered construction sites located in different regions of the country is considered; engineering-geological section of the construction site in the Poole area (Brazzaville city); the average values for soils are given. A general description of the map areas in the Congo has been made: all the experimental sites in the plain area pertaining to the first and second river terraces are used for local residential and industrial development. To practically reveal the building properties: Soils weathered soils, podzols, ferralitic soils, hydromorphic soils in separate layers in certain areas of the territory of the country that are shown in them, the actual material of geotechnical studies from such experimental sites was used (local production sites).

Were received isopoll deformations in the basis of loading at the level of the base of the foundation at 100 KN / m with an external linear load on the foundation with a width of 1.2 m. When constructing the Congo, lowlands, not mountains are used. It is convenient for people to live where water is. Estimation of these soils on some points indicates that they are composed of different soils, loams, sandstones, laterites. Designing should be carried out: 1) on calculations taking into account experience; 2) by order.

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How to Cite
Kornienko, N., & Many Rodolphe, N. (2019). General characteristics of surface balls of soil on the territory of the republic of Congo (Brazzavil). Bases and Foundations, (39), 74–79.
Author Biographies

Nikolay Kornienko, Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури 31, просп. Повітрофлотський, Київ, Україна, 03037,

Професор кафедри геотехніки, к.т.н., проф.

Ndinga Many Rodolphe, Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури 31, просп. Повітрофлотський, Київ, Україна, 03037,

Аспірант кафедри геотехніки


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