Tests of reinforced concrete flight structure of the bridge through the r.Suhoy Torec in Barvenkovo

Main Article Content

Valerii Shmukler
Roman Kaplin
Yurii Krul


The article considers the overhaul of the reinforced concrete bridge in Barvinkove with the complete replacement of the girder structures. Beam structures were installed on existing supports, the distance between the axes of which is 14.06 m (non-standard beam). Thus, new beams must be performed on a special (individual) project. Equally important is the issue of reducing the weight of the structure, which will have a positive effect on existing foundations, reducing the pressure on the ground and, if possible, unloading the foundation of the structure. As a new girder structure, an effective construction of a reinforced concrete girder structure is presented, using perforated metal elements of box section and an effective reinforced concrete slab of the carriageway.

When designing metal blocks, a direct method of forming the parameters of the structure based on energy principles was used, namely: minimization of potential deformation energy and density distribution of potential deformation energy.

The parameters of the holes in the perforated elements at a constant pitch and the angles of inclination of the inclined lines of the beams were taken as parameters. Thus, a rational design of the blocks was obtained, which corresponded to the lowest value of potential energy, which, in turn, corresponds to the lowest material consumption, and a more uniform distribution of potential energy density with decreasing stress concentration in the corners of the holes.

Upon completion of all works, scientific and acceptance tests of the building were carried out. The test program provides for static and dynamic tests of the bridge. The aim of the study was to assess the stress-strain state metal block of reinforced concrete girder structure. During the test, the deflections of the structure were obtained, the actual distribution of deformations and stresses was revealed, the frequencies, periods and amplitudes of the natural and forced oscillations of the structure were obtained.

A theoretical model of the girder structure was built, on the basis of which the VAT components were obtained and compared with the results obtained during the test.

Article Details

How to Cite
Shmukler, V. ., Kaplin, R. ., & Krul, Y. . (2020). Tests of reinforced concrete flight structure of the bridge through the r.Suhoy Torec in Barvenkovo. Bases and Foundations, (40), 104–111. https://doi.org/10.32347/0475-1132.40.2020.104-111
Author Biographies

Valerii Shmukler, O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Professor, Head of the Department of Building Structures, Doctor of Technical Sciences, PhD

Roman Kaplin, O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Head of the sector of the laboratory of construction and technical research NSC "Institute of Forensic Science. Zasl. prof. MS Bokarius ", candidate of the Department of Building Structures


Yurii Krul, O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Ph.D., senior lecturer at the Department of Building Structures


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