Stress-strain state of the building foundations with taking into account the possible water saturation of loess soils

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Veronika Zhuk
Oleksandr Piatkov
Sergiy Tarambula


In Ukraine, the problem of construction on loess soils is relevant due to the widespread use of these soils and their negative property - the ability to give additional deformations of subsidence during water saturation. Flooding of territories by groundwater, emergency leaks from aquifers cause significant problems during the exploitation of buildings and engineering structures on such soils.

Computer simulation of the interaction of the building with the soil base allows to investigate the influence of all negative factors on the change of the stress-strain state of both the soil base and the load-bearing structures of the building.

The study of the interaction of the building with the foundation was performed using the software package LIRA-CAD. The interaction of the building with the soil base, the soils of which are able to reduce their mechanical properties with increasing humidity and give additional subsidence deformations, was studied. A variant design of the foundations was performed taking into account the occurrence of uneven deformations during subsidence of the loess soil due to its moistening in case of possible emergency losses from aquifers. The change of stress-strain state of the foundations of the building depending on the spatial rigidity of the foundation, the location of the soaking zone within the building spot, the shape and size of the zone of soil moisture is analyzed.

It is shown that taking into account the possible water saturation of loess soils when calculating the collaborate of the building with the soil base, allows to obtain stress-strain state of foundations and load-bearing structures of the aboveground part of the building for the most unfavorable conditions that may occur. The search for the optimal variant of the foundation structures of the building, which, while remaining cost-effective, provides reliable operation of the building in conditions of possible occurrence of uneven deformations of subsidence of the soil base during water saturation of the layer of loess soils.

According to the research results, a rational variant of the foundation structures has been designed taking into account the possible occurrence of non-uniform deformations.


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How to Cite
Zhuk, V., Piatkov, O., & Tarambula, S. (2020). Stress-strain state of the building foundations with taking into account the possible water saturation of loess soils. Bases and Foundations, (41), 22–31.
Author Biographies

Veronika Zhuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics


Associate Professor


Oleksandr Piatkov, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics


Associate Professor


Sergiy Tarambula, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Master of the Department of Geotechnics



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