Influence of the sequence of erection of build-ings on the formation of the stress-strain state of the system «base-foundation-overhead structures»
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The influence of the order of construction of houses on the formation of the stress-strain state of the system "foundation-foundation-above-ground structures" is investigated
For this purpose, several options for setting tasks for the phased construction of multi-section building sections are considered.
With this in mind, it should be noted that the construction of each subsequent section has an impact on the built entirely or partially adjacent section. That is why this effect should be investigated to predict how serious this impact may be, and to draw appropriate constructive decisions.
Thus, the main objectives of the study are:
- Creation of SEM without taking into account the stages of construction of the house;
- Calculation of a house with a phased loading of 5 floors. Taking into account changes in the order of construction of sections;
- Formation of SEM taking into account the sequence of erection of sections without including the sequence of erection of floors within the boundaries of the current section;
- Research of the impact of the calculation of sections of a multi-section building without and taking into account the summary of subsequent sections.
The research of the impact of the sequence of construction and installation of the object will allow us to assess the stress-strain scheme at all stages of construction, so changes in the behavior of the scheme will be recorded at all stages of construction specified by the designers. To do this, the change in the stress-strain state (VAT) of the system "foundation - foundations - above-ground structures" must be modeled with different options for stages of construction, taking into account the real parameters of the soil base and so on.
The interaction of piles in different zones of sections, the work of grids in the foundations of high-rise buildings are considered. The research was carried out with the help of numerical modeling of the system "foundation - foundations - aboveground constructions". The redistribution of forces in the piles depending on the formulation of problems on the stages of construction of sections and design parameters (location of piles in characteristic zones, the influence of the stiffness of the aboveground part on the redistribution of forces). Characteristic zones in the foundation are distinguished: they are central, lateral, angular and especially at the joints of adjacent sections. The redistribution of efforts between piles and a grid is revealed.
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