Influence of the choice of the base model on the stress-strain state of the vertical load-bearing elements of a monolithic-frame house
Main Article Content
Comparison of the stress-strain state of vertical elements of the frame of a monolithic house (basement, first and fourth floors), depending on the method of modeling the soil environment and piles, is carried out.
The use of pile foundations is due to the fact that they provide the transfer of loads to deeper soil layers and, as a rule, a greater bearing capacity compared to shallow foundations. In the design of foundations, engineers face the question of how to model the soil environment and piles?
This paper presents the influence of the decision taken (the selected soil model and the method of modeling piles) on the stress-strain state of the vertical load-bearing elements of the house frame.
Comparison of the stress-strain state of vertical elements of the frame (basement, first and fourth floors), which were obtained using the following models of the system «base - pile foundation - overhead supporting structures»:
1) the piles are modeled by single-node finite elements, have only vertical stiffness according to the results of testing the piles for vertical static pressing loads, the mutual influence of piles and soil characteristics are not taken into account (FE-56 hereinafter, this is the number of the finite element in the library of elements of the PС «Lira -SAPR»)
2) the piles are modeled by single-node finite elements, are located with a given step along the length of the pile and have rigidity in different directions and approximately take into account the surrounding soil around the pile and under its tip (FE-57);
3) the soil environment is modeled by volumetric elastic finite elements; piles - rod finite elements.
It is shown that the choice of the foundation model carries stress-strain state not only for the foundation structures, but also for the vertical bearing elements of the house. When using various options for modeling the base: using a single-node finite element that simulates a smoke like elastic ligature (FE-56), using a chain of single-node skinned elements (FE-57), or a volumetric soil massif, it is possible to obtain quantitative differences in stresses from 2 to 20%, and a qualitative change, which is observed in a change in the sign of bending moments.
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