Numerical analysis of methods for calculating the soil base and methods for determining bed coefficients
Main Article Content
Despite significant progress in the development of methods for calculating the soil base in a single calculation model with structures and the ability to perform calculations in three dimensions, the most popular in the community of design engineers remains the calculation model of the slab on an elastic basis. This is due to the simplicity of such a model. Probably, the greatest difficulty in applying such a model is to determine the coefficients of flexibility of the base (bed coefficients).
In this paper, a study of the reliability of different methods for determining the coefficients of the bed under different variants of soil conditions
The paper determines and compares the characteristics of the stress-strain state (sedimentation values, reactive pressure and forces) in three foundation slabs of different geometry and under different engineering and geological conditions of the construction site.
A homogeneous base composed of loess soils, an inhomogeneous base composed of alternating layers of both cohesive (loam and sand) and incoherent (fine sand) soils and a close to homogeneous base composed of sand and soils are considered.
The research was conducted using the software and computer system LIRA SAPR 2016. Implemented three methods for determining the coefficients of the bed (the flexibility of the base):
- Pasternak model with two bed coefficients, which for inhomogeneous soils are determined by the values of the deformation modulus and Poisson's ratio averaged within the depth of the compressible thickness;
- Winkler model with one bed ratio;
- Pasternak model with two bed coefficients, which are determined by the average values of the deformation modulus and Poisson's ratio when introducing the correction factor to the deformation modulus.
The convergence of the absolute values of the controlled parameters obtained using the above methods, depending on the type of soil base and the nature of soil layers within the compressible layer, is analyzed.
The dependence of the convergence of the characteristics of the stress-strain state of the slab obtained by different methods on the homogeneity of the base soils is established.
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