On the requirements for articles published in the scientific and technical journal «Bases and foundations»

Main Article Content

Vasyl Pidlutskyi


Before starting work on the article, you should get acquainted with the requirements for the publication of articles in the Scientific and Technical Journal «Bases and foundations», founded by the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture.

The journal includes the articles on topical challenges of geotechnics. There are the results of interaction between elements of the system «base – foundation – superstructures», influence of seismic or other dynamic loads; designing foundations on weak soils, exploration of the deep foundations, retaining structures, assessment of the slope stability of landslide areas, determination of soil parameters by in-situ and laboratory tests.

The journal is designed for scientific, engineering and technical specialists of scientific, research, design and construction organizations.

The journal publishes in the following specialties:

192 «Construction and civil engineering»,

194 «Hydraulic engineering, water engineering and water technologies».

The article submitted to the editorial board must clearly meet the goals and specializations of the journal, must be written and designed in accordance with the requirements set out in this article.

Original research and discussion materials are accepted for publication. Articles are subject to double review, including by independent experts. It is recommended to submit a scientific article only in one journal, which meets the requirements of International Ethical Standards, which prohibit the simultaneous publication of the article in different publications.

Articles must be pre-reviewed before publication in the journal. After confirmation of the article's compliance with the general requirements and the availability of a complete package of documents, the article is submitted for review and undergoes internal editorial processing. The editors reserve the right to make minor edits and reductions, while maintaining the main results and author's style.

The article is returned to the author for revision or correction if the members of the editorial board (scientific editors in the relevant areas) have questions to the author regarding certain provisions of the article.

The Editorial Board is not responsible for the content and authorship of the material of the article used, but reserves the right not to allow the article to be published in case of non-compliance with the above requirements.


Article Details

How to Cite
Pidlutskyi, V. (2020). On the requirements for articles published in the scientific and technical journal «Bases and foundations». Bases and Foundations, (41), 72–79. https://doi.org/10.32347/0475-1132.41.2020.72-79
Author Biography

Vasyl Pidlutskyi, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics


Associate Professor



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