Influence of foundation dimensions of grain drying complexes on the nature of the redistribution of efforts in the foundation structures

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Vasyl Pidlutskyi
Oleksandr Lytvyn


The work of the pile foundation of the grain drying complex at change of dimensions of the base plate, namely change of its thickness is investigated. Calculations were performed using numerical simulation by the finite element method of three variants: 1) at a base plate thickness of 400 mm; 2) at a thickness of a base plate of 500 mm; 3) at a thickness of a base plate of 600 mm.

After the calculations, the stress-strain state (SSS) of the foundation structures of the grain-drying complex was analyzed: redistribution of forces in the piles, deformation of the foundation structures, redistribution of bending moments in the foundation slab and selected the appropriate area of working reinforcement of the foundation slab.

In the work, pile foundations were used as the foundations of grain drying complexes due to the presence of weak soils and loess subsidence soils from the surface of the construction site.

For the design of pile foundations, the load from the weight of the grain from the own weight of the silo structure and from the weight of the foundation slab was taken into account. Moreover, the load from the grain was taken into account as a variable over time due to the loading and unloading of silage.

The study was conducted in clay soils of refractory, semi-hard and hard consistency. At the base of the pile foundation are loams of semi-solid consistency.

As a result of this work, it is shown that the in-crease in the thickness of the foundation slab has almost no effect on the change in the settlement of the foundation slab. As the thickness of the foundation slab increases (the stiffness increases accordingly), the bending moments in it increase, which leads to an increase in the reinforcement of the foundation slab, in some areas up to 20%, and the reinforcement area up to 4 times. The force in the piles varies as follows: in the outer row of piles the force increases to 15%, and in the middle row of the force decreases to 10%. Comprehensive analysis of research results allows to design reliable and economical solutions of pile foundations of grain drying complexes.

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How to Cite
Pidlutskyi, V., & Lytvyn, O. (2021). Influence of foundation dimensions of grain drying complexes on the nature of the redistribution of efforts in the foundation structures. Bases and Foundations, (42), 30–38.
Author Biographies

Vasyl Pidlutskyi, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics

Oleksandr Lytvyn, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Assistant of the Department of Geotechnics


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