The strategy of quantified landslide protection structures dimensioning
Main Article Content
Landslides in many regions of Ukraine and the world are destructive and some-times catastrophic, threatening emergencies. The installation of retaining structures to prevent land-slides is associated with high material costs. There-fore, the development and installation of buttresses with the use of bored and bored piles significantly reduces the cost of construction and saves significant material resources. To date, the features of the interaction of discrete retaining structures with the soil, the size of the arrangement of retaining structures, and other parameters of the system «sliding soil mass - discrete retaining structure» are insufficiently studied. Therefore, when writing this article, we aimed to present a single method that would calculate the following design parameters: the coefficient of stability of the soil interacting with discrete retaining structures in the intervals between adjacent elements of these structures; the distance between adjacent elements of the discrete retaining structure; diameters (or dimensions of smaller sides) of elements of discrete antiskid retaining structures. In the course of writing this article, we obtained analytical dependencies that allow us to determine the following design parameters of the system «anti-landslide retaining structure - sliding soil mass»: boom lifting arch of the soil dump between the elements of the discrete retaining structure; the coefficient of soil stability in the zone of interaction of the discrete retaining structure with the sliding soil mass; the distance between the individual elements of the discrete retaining structure; the diameters of the individual elements of the discrete retaining structure (in the case of a round section) or the size of the smaller side of the individual elements of the discrete retaining structure (in the case of a rectangular section). In General, it was concluded that the method described in this paper to determine the design parameters of discrete anti-landslide retaining structures can be used in calculating the design parameters of discrete retaining structures.
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