Identification methodology of deformation pa- rameters of sandy soil massif

Main Article Content

Igor Boyko
Anatoly Oleynik
Anna Haleta


Topic – «Identification of the parameters of the base by the results of static soil sounding» involves comparing the results of research on national standards and Eurocodes.
Eurocode is a law that declares the basic requirements, but in our country it does not apply directly. Therefore, these requirements should be adapted to national standards.
To identify the parameters of soils in this paper provides two options for the application of deformation characteristics of sandy soil: 1) determination in the laboratory; 2) determined by field methods. These results will then be used to identify soil parameters using numerical finite element modeling.
Research and comparison of surveys were conducted in sandy soils.
The next step - when comparing the results of field and laboratory tests of soils established the accuracy of their values in comparison with standard methods.
To date, field tests using probes of different diameters, natural and inventory piles (ITP) and dies (5000 sq. cm and 600 sq. cm), according to national standards, may differ from the results obtained by Eurocode standards. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the results obtained on the basis of practical research with the requirements of EU legislation.
Experimental studies were performed at several sites in different cities of Ukraine. When selecting objects for comparison, attention was paid to the similarity of the geological origin of soils. In the work, in part, the materials of practical field tests of the department of previous years are used.
The article considers points from experimental objects of research. Processed engineering-geological elements (EGE) of sandy soils, which lie on the territory of selected sites.

Article Details

How to Cite
Boyko, I., Oleynik, A., & Haleta, A. (2021). Identification methodology of deformation pa- rameters of sandy soil massif. Bases and Foundations, (42), 53–63.
Author Biographies

Igor Boyko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Head of the Department of Geotechnics

Anatoly Oleynik, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics

Anna Haleta, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Postgraduate of the Department of Geotechnics


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