Formation of the stress-strain state of the base during construction foundations at different marks in a densely built-up territory

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Vitalii Ruchkivskyi


In this paper studied the impact of the resumption of multi-storey construction on existing buildings in Kyiv. The building was designed 19-storey with two underground floors. The construction site is located in close proximity to the surrounding buildings. Construction was built on two underground and five above-ground floors. Significant deformations were found in the adjacent buildings. The construction of a new building has led to increased stresses in the foundations of the existing building. Also during the erection of the building, unauthorized replanning was carried out with the addition of new premises and the creation of new floors. All this led to the appearance of uneven deformations
As measures to eliminate additional deformations, the foundation of the existing building was reinforced with piles made of jet technology.
The research was performed on the basis of numerical modeling in a plane formulation of the system "retaining structures of the pit - soil base - existing building". An analysis of the stress-strain state of the soil base was performed.
The discrepancy between the real values of vertical deformations of the base and deformations detected by numerical modeling, which indicates the need to clarify the characteristics of the soil base and analysis of the technology of installation of foundation structures, and also the correctness of the choice of the decision on under-strengthening of the basis of the building by jet-piles.
The influence of construction on the multi-storey building of the stress-strain state of the soil massif and the existing buildings is shown.
It is shown that there is a significant impact of new construction (building №69) on the existing building №67. An additional 10 floors will increase the deformation of the foundation of the house №67, part of which is already in the limit state.
Given the impact of the addition of the building №69, it is necessary to develop engineering measures to eliminate this impact. Without additional measures to stabilize the deformations of the building 67, operation becomes impossible.

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How to Cite
Ruchkivskyi, V. (2021). Formation of the stress-strain state of the base during construction foundations at different marks in a densely built-up territory. Bases and Foundations, (42), 64–71.
Author Biography

Vitalii Ruchkivskyi, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Assistant of the Department of Geotechnics


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