Features of pile groups from short piles according to numerical modeling

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Irina Maevska
Natalya Blashchuk
Yuliia Kreminska


There are many controversial issues when designing a new pile foundation. One of them is the difference between short piles and long piles. Research in the position, the load, which is a pile foundation, is partly transferred to the grid, and partly - on the pile and does not always have the possibility of a finger in the pile foundation corresponds to the failure of a single pile.The nature of this redistribution significantly depends on the length of the pile, especially it depends on the work of the group with a short finger. On such a day, the issue of creating a reliable calculation model of a sound basis that provides a sufficient correspondence between the results of the calculation and the work of natural piles - is still one of the problems of foundation construction. The use of pile bearing capacity resources is one of the best ways to achieve savings when setting up pile foundations. Previous studies have shown that when working with a pile group with short piles, the group works as a continuous soil-pile massif. By confirming this hypothesis, it would be possible to reduce the number of piles within the dimensions of the grille without significant loss of bearing capacity of the pile group.Complex numerical studies of the calculated model of the columnar pile foundation with the help of Plaxis software package depending on the geometric parameters (length and number of piles) were carried out. The pitch and number of piles were varied at constant grid sizes. Variants of short and long piles, as well as soil environment from sandy and clay soils are considered. The stages of realization of bearing capacity of piles and grid in the composition of the pile foundation for piles of different lengths were analyzed.The efficiency of using short piles in comparison with long piles is estimated. It has been determined that short piles in the bush work more efficiently than long ones. In the case of short piles, in order to save materials, you can reduce the number of piles in the group while maintaining the size of the grille with a slight loss of load-bearing capacity.

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How to Cite
Maevska, I., Blashchuk, N., & Kreminska, Y. (2021). Features of pile groups from short piles according to numerical modeling. Bases and Foundations, (43), 30–39. https://doi.org/10.32347/0475-1132.43.2021.30-39
Author Biographies

Irina Maevska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Associate Professor of Construction, Municipal Economy and Architecture

Natalya Blashchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Associate Professor of Construction, Municipal Economy and Architecture

Yuliia Kreminska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Master of the Department of Construction, Municipal Economy and Architecture


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