Comparative assessment of the slope stability using different calculation methods

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Viktor Nosenko
Liudmyla Skochko
Artur Malaman


Comparison of the results of assessment of the of slope stability to determine the feasibility of construction of retaining structures is presented in this paper

The construction of a grain terminal on a landslide slope in the Odessa region was selected as the object of researching. The building area belongs to the Black Sea basin region and is located on the southwestern slope of the Ukrainian Crystal Shield. The uneven stepped surface of the crystalline basement consists of blocks. Despite the significant irregularities of the crystalline basement, they are reflected in the relief through the sedimentary cover. To ensure of the slope stability, it is planned to install a cascade of retaining structures. There are pile retaining walls.

The calculations are based on the analysis of the stress-strain state of the slope and anti-landslide structures using two fundamentally different methods. These methods of calculation using modern software:

- analytical method for assessing the slope stability (limit equilibrium method);

- assessment of the slope stability by the method of numerical modeling of the stress-strain state of the elements of the system "soil mass - anti-landslide structures".

Calculations were made for two calculated cross-sections and for different stages of construction. There are stages native state, during construction and exploitation. 1st stage is assessment of the slope stability in its natural state, before building beginning. 2nd stage is assessment of the slope stability during the construction of the 1st retaining wall and excavations of the first level of the pit; stage 3 - assessment of slope stability after construction of anti-landslide structures and excavations of the pit. Stage 4 - assessment of the slope stability at the stage of grain terminal exploitation, it is meaning the construction of foundation structures.

According to the results of calculations, the slope stability safety factors were determined, the analysis of SSS elements of the system "soil mass - landslide structures" was carried out and the reinforcement of retaining walls was selected.

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How to Cite
Nosenko, V., Skochko, L., & Malaman, A. (2021). Comparative assessment of the slope stability using different calculation methods. Bases and Foundations, (43), 40–51.
Author Biographies

Viktor Nosenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics

Liudmyla Skochko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics

Artur Malaman, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Master of the Department of Geotechnics


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