Methods of choosing a set of means for com-pacting the soils of the sinuses of ditches and trenches on a technical basis

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Vladimir Basarab
Irina Umanets
Lyudmila Sausheva


It is known that soils in a limited space are compacted by specialized means: hand rammers, small equipment (vibrating plates, remote control minikots), and attachments for excavators (vibrating rammers, vibrating plates, inertial rammers, ramming nozzles, etc. guides).

High-quality soil compaction also involves avoiding damage to utilities, building structures, protective and insulating layers on structures and individual structures. It is established that for each compactor based on its power and method of control there is a limit of a certain distance where the soil is compacted with care and restriction, which is called the protective layer of soil.Expert assessment of existing practices of soil compaction during backfilling in the sinuses of ditches shows the difficulty of forming the optimal set of sealing means due to the large number of circumstances related to soil characteristics, geometry of the earth structure, technical characteristics of the means.In this regard, the method of forming such a set is developed, which consists of two stages: the first - the choice of compaction tools on technical grounds, the second - the formation of the optimal set of soil compaction tools from the first stage on economic grounds. This paper considers the first stage of the methodology, which in turn requires a consistent solution of a number of problems.The first - the design of the earth structure on the principle of laying the minimum required geometric parameters or preparation of initial data on the existing project. The second - the formation of an array of data on the principle of increasing the width of the working body of the tool based on the analysis of the existing fleet of soil compaction tools.Third - based on the principle of rational use of resources, limit the number of tools in the set to 3, and divide the vertical cross section of the sinus of the pit into three typical zones. Fourth - automated selection of soil compaction based on the principle of comparing the width of the working body with the width of the typical zone and taking into account the protective layer of soil.

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How to Cite
Basarab, V., Umanets, I., & Sausheva, L. (2021). Methods of choosing a set of means for com-pacting the soils of the sinuses of ditches and trenches on a technical basis. Bases and Foundations, (43), 67–78.
Author Biographies

Vladimir Basarab, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of Construction Technologies

Irina Umanets, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of Construction Technologies

Lyudmila Sausheva, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture



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