Engineering preparation of the territory in conditions of laying soft soil

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Oleg Malyshev
Andrii Rashchenko
Tetiana Dyptan


At present, in large cities, cities - millionaires, there is a tendency to build a large volume of residential multi-storey buildings entertainment complexes on undeveloped, free from construction areas of urban territory. Large cities and settlements are expanding due to the development of areas for buildings. The geological structure of this areas is difficult. In particular, the complexity is due not only to low values of physical and mechanical characteristics of soils, but also to special properties (high compressibility, decay of organic residues, unevenness and duration of sedimentation over time, etc.) [1, 5]. A certain part of the territory of our country is represented by peat soils, which to some extent can be considered as minerals, the use of which as a basis for buildings and structures is not rational and requires the use of special measures and construction works. When designing buildings and structures in such engineering and geological conditions, it is necessary to take into account that all types of geotechnical actions on the part of the deformed base on the building are reduced mainly to uneven vertical and horizontal deformations of the base surface. In order to ensure reliable operation of the building in such engineering geological conditions, it is necessary to make structural and technological decisions that will comprehensively take into account the complexity of the site and allow to implement the design solution. At the same time, practice of design and construction shows, quite often the listed unfavorable factors and dangerous processes are ignored, not taken into account or incorrect decisions are made to ensure the reliability of the basis.To solve this problem, the following tasks are relevant: a set of modern modeling tools (numerical calculation) and field observations, which allow you to analyze the results and take a reasonably correct (reliable, cost-effective) version of the base preparation for  buildings or structures [2] to ensure reliable and safe operation of the building or structure.

Article Details

How to Cite
Malyshev, O., Rashchenko, A., & Dyptan, T. (2021). Engineering preparation of the territory in conditions of laying soft soil. Bases and Foundations, (43), 101–110.
Author Biographies

Oleg Malyshev, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics

Andrii Rashchenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geotechnics

Tetiana Dyptan, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geotechnics


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