The influence of the rigidity of the joints of the panel house on the stress-deformed state of the foundation structures
Main Article Content
The work compares the stress-deformed states of the pile foundations of the house depending on the method of modeling the joints of the wall panels.
The use of wall panels is due to the fact that their installation is a relatively fast technological process, but the disadvantage of such buildings is, among other things, the lack of free spatial planning [1]. During the creation of a numerical model, questions arise: what method (type of connection of panel elements to each other) should be used to model the joints of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and how does this affect the stress-strain state in above-ground structures and foundations?
This paper presents the influence of the adopted decision (chosen method of joint modeling) on the stress-strain state of pile foundations.
A comparison was made of the stress-strain state of the pile foundation (piles and grid), which were obtained using the following joint modeling options:
1) reinforced concrete elements: monolithic floor, monolithic staircase-elevator shaft and prefabricated wall panels are rigidly connected to each other.
2) the joints between reinforced concrete elements are made using the principle of "combination of movements", i.e., the nodes of the finite elements of the structures are stitched and interact with each other on the basis of certain parameters: horizontal joints - only vertical movements are taken into account (combination movements in the HSC along the Z axis); vertical – take into account movement only in the horizontal plane (along the X and Y axes, in GCS);
3) joints between reinforced concrete elements are made using the functionality of PC "Sapphire". Horizontal joints take into account filling with solution (the so-called platform joint), the behavior of which is described by the elastic law of deformation. Vertical joints take into account embedded details, with the help of which elements are connected to each other in the corresponding places foreseen by the project.
It is shown that the choice of modeling option for the joint of reinforced concrete structures affects the VAT not only of the foundation structures, but also of the vertical load-bearing elements of the building (wall panels and monolithic structures of the stair-elevator shaft). When using various joint modeling options, it is possible to obtain quantitative differences in forces from 2 to 20%, and the type of joint practically does not affect the deformation of foundation structures.
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