Methodology of identification of deformation parameters of clay soil massif
Main Article Content
This topic provides a comparison of the results, determined characteristics of clay soils in accordance with national standards and Eurocodes.
In the work, two variants of calculations using numerical modeling using the finite element method are planned: 1) using soil characteristics determined in laboratory conditions; 2) using soil characteristics determined by field methods.
When comparing the results of field and laboratory tests of clay soils, the reliability of their values was established in comparison with the most reliable standard methods.
The test was carried out in accordance with national standards in field conditions using probes of various diameters, live and inventory piles and stamps with an area of 5000 and 600 The obtained data may differ in magnitude from the results obtained according to EU requirements. Therefore, there is a need to compare the values of characteristics according to national standards and Eurocodes.
Experimental studies were carried out at facilities in various cities of Ukraine. When choosing objects for comparison, attention was paid to the similarity of the geological origin of the soils. In the work, in part, the materials used by the department for determining the characteristics of soils in the past years were used. The article examines points from experimental objects of searches. Processed engineering and geological elements (IGE) of clayey soils that lie on the territory of the selected sites.
A generalizing table of the averaged physical and mechanical characteristics of clayey soils by research objects is given and the results of tests of clayey soils by laboratory and field methods are given, which made it possible to establish the following: the dependences of the change in the modulus of deformation for sandy and clayey soils are excellent. The results of soil tests with stamps and an inventory test pile (ITP-127) are given, as well as their comparison. The use of ITP-127 in practice as a reliable method for determining soil parameters is substantiated.
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