Determination of the impact of pile modeling methods on the distribution of forces in the pile foundation

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Liudmyla Bondareva
Dmytro Nechiporenko


The effect of the pile and the soil environment modeling method on the distribution of forces in the pile foundation and its deformation was studied and analyzed.

Based on the obtained results, the difference in the distribution of forces in piles and the difference in the settlement of the pile foundation was demonstrated.  A comparison is drawn between the models, in which elements of the scheme such as "base" and "foundation" were made using different methods. The zones where the peak forces are the largest and the smallest were marked.

The structural scheme and geological conditions are based on the existing project, as well as engineering and geological investigations.

The finite element model of the building consists of a base, underground, and above-ground structures. A linear-elastic model with the following soil parameters was used to simulate the work of the base: E – modulus of elasticity; V – Poisson's ratio; as well as the elastoplastic Mohr-Coulomb model, in which the soil is defined by the following parameters: E – modulus of elasticity; V– Poisson's ratio; c – cohesion; φ is the friction angle. The calculation was performed with the help of the LIRA-SAPR 2017 software complex.

In order to improve the accuracy of the calculation of the results, the identification of the parameters of the base was carried out, where the results of in-situ test piles for static indentation were used as the initial data. The soil parameters, which were obtained in the result of identification, were applied to the model of the soil environment in the calculation scheme. As a result, it is possible to assess the influence of the identification parameters on the change in the stress-strained state (SSS) of the foundation structures as well as compare the forces values in piles and the deformation of the foundation before and after the identification.

With the development of technologies and software complexes, the number and variability of calculation methods were increasing, as well as the variety of calculation models. Each calculation model is unique and created with a certain goal – to make the calculation results closer to the real work of foundation structures. It is necessary to make the most effective and rational modeling method to achieve the goals set, as well as to obtain a quick and accurate result.


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How to Cite
Bondareva, L., & Nechiporenko, D. (2022). Determination of the impact of pile modeling methods on the distribution of forces in the pile foundation. Bases and Foundations, (44), 44–54.
Author Biographies

Liudmyla Bondareva, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics,


Dmytro Nechiporenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Master of the Department of Geotechnics, Student


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