Serviceability analysis of the grain storage facilities foundations
Main Article Content
The change in the stress-strain state is analyzed on the example of a complex underground part of silo "loess soil base – foundation strip – undersilo tunnel gallery – compacted soil base – bottom silo slab" system as an indicator for assessing the serviceability of this type of industrial structure.
Based on the analysis of existing design documentation and field surveys, the main stages of the structure's operation during its construction and subsequent operation have been identified. Finite element analysis was performed to evaluate the current technical condition of the system of bases and foundations. At the same time, the results of geodetic measurements over time were additionally used to obtain the actual stress-strain mode of the system according to the deformed scheme.
The paper focuses on the nature of the mutual influence of individual elements of the complex foundation system. The study highlights the characteristic changes in the structural scheme and the peculiarities of stress redistribution within the system at different stages of operation. Has been taken into account local soaking of the loess soil with a thickness of up to 7.2 m that was typical for the full-scale experimental object.
Particularly, the forces in the reinforced concrete members of the underground tunnel gallery of the silo have been determined. The influence of changes in the stress-strain mode of the foundation system on their operation under variable loads and impacts has been taken into account.
It has been established that the design of such complex systems still requires further research on the design schemes and situations. When designing complex foundation systems of silo, a common mistake is to incorrectly take into account the stiffness of the underground tunnel gallery, backfill under the bottom slab, and locally locked loess soils under the foundation strip. These factors have a significant impact on the overall level of reliability and faultless operation of the industrial structure as a whole.
It is also shown that it is necessary to take into account the influence of adjacent silos and the factor of asymmetry of the foundation along and across the underground gallery.
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