Evaluation of the influence of the pile cap’s spatial rigidity on the stress-strain state of pile foundations of the building
Main Article Content
Providing citizens with housing is one of the urgent problems in Ukraine. The limited number of floors allows the use of such an architectural and planning solution for open-type city blocks (internal areas with such planning remain more open and transparent, create a feeling of free space). In order to solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary to make structurally correct and economically reasonable solutions at the stage of building design, because 60...70% of the building price is the cost of structures and materials.
The main task of the designer is to develop structures for the safe and efficient operation of the building. These factors depend on the correctness of the development of the structural scheme of the building and the correctness of the calculation. The development of modern technologies and the availability of various calculation software complexes make it possible to perform such calculations. They make it possible to take into account the interaction of the elements of the "soil base – foundation - above-ground structures" system, which is mandatory for a modern level of design.
Computer modeling with the use of various software complexes allows us to monitor the formation of the stress-strain state in the load-bearing structures of the building depending on the deformation properties of the soil base on the construction site, also depending on the change in the parameters of the structures of the building itself. A comprehensive analysis of the initial data, a detailed study and analysis of the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site, taking into account the planning and construction scheme of the building, as well as performing a complex numerical study of the stress-strain state of the building elements allows to monitor the influence of changes in the parameters of the foundations on the redistribution of deformations and stresses in all structural elements of the building. Therefore, performing computer simulation makes it possible to choose a rational type of foundations that will have not only reliability requirements, but will also be cost-effective at the same time.
This article presents the results of a comparison of the options of a raft pile cap and a strip pile cap of the foundations on the stress-strain state of the foundation structures. The conducted research confirms that the transition from the strip pile cap option to the raft pile cap option causes a change in the subsidence character of the building. It is shown that the use of variable design of foundations makes it possible to design a reliable and at the same time cost-effective option of foundations. Based on the results of the study, the choice of a rational option of foundations was substantiated.
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