Influence of soil base deformation methods on the formation of the stress-strain state of retaining walls

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The results of numerical modeling of the interaction between a pile retaining wall and the soil base using the software complexes "Plaxis" and "LIRA-SAPR" are presented. A comparison of the stress-strain state of retaining walls using different calculation methods, taking into account the presence of rock soil, has been performed.

In the first variant, the active pressure on the wall was determined manually in accordance with the current standards [3], and the subsequent calculation was carried out in the "LIRA-SAPR" software complex. The "pile-soil" system was modeled using FE 57, which are interconnected by FE 10 (rod), and the values of horizontal stiffness (Rx,y) were determined according to the requirements of [3].

In the second variant, the retaining wall calculation was performed in "Plaxis 2D". The soil behavior model is "Mohr-Coulomb", and for rock - "Hoek-Brown". It was considered that rock soils lie at the base of the retaining wall, which revealed significant differences in the distribution of bending moments along the length of the retaining wall.

It was established that the stress-strain state in the first variant significantly differs from the second. The difference in maximum horizontal displacements after the calculation by the first and second methods was shown. Differences and variations in the values of bending moments occurring in the retaining wall were investigated. The importance of using modern geotechnical calculation software complexes for a more detailed and accurate analysis of structures and foundations was demonstrated.

Additionally, an assessment of the impact of variations in the parameters of the soil and retaining wall models on the calculation results was conducted. The research results allow recommending the use of a comprehensive modeling approach to enhance the reliability and efficiency of retaining wall design. The analysis also shows that the application of different soil behavior models can significantly affect the final calculation results, highlighting the need for careful selection of modeling parameters.

The obtained results have significant practical value for engineers and designers, as they allow for more accurate prediction of the behavior of retaining walls under various operating conditions. This contributes to improving the safety and cost-effectiveness of construction projects.

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How to Cite
PIDLUTSKYI, V., & BEHAN, V. . (2024). Influence of soil base deformation methods on the formation of the stress-strain state of retaining walls. Bases and Foundations, (48), 39–47.
Author Biographies

Vasyl PIDLUTSKYI, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics


Vasyl BEHAN, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Master of the Department of Geotechnics


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