Interpretation of the data of modern methods of field soil research

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Kostiantyn BONDAREV


This study examines modern in-situ testing methods for soils; it investigates the impact of interpreting these methods on the calculated strength and deformation parameters of soils and compares them with tabulated values according to the DSTU (Standard of Ukraine).

In today's world, there is an urgent need for accurate and prompt soil investigations, which are crucial for design and construction. Although laboratory methods are reliable, they often require significant time and resources. The advantage of in-situ methods lies in the fact that testing is performed directly in the soil mass, meaning that the results are not influenced by the transportation and preparation of samples. Conducting tests directly in the soil massif allows for the acquisition of information about soil characteristics and their classification, providing data on soil stratification.

This publication reviews modern methods of in-situ soil investigations, specifically CPTu (Cone Penetration Test) and DMT (Dilatometer Test) [1, 2]. These methods are widely used in Europe, while in Ukraine, they are relatively new and are just beginning to gain popularity. Therefore, it is relevant to compare these methods with the tabulated values provided in Ukrainian reference guides.

The deformation and stress values were compared using three calculation models based on CPTu, DMT, and DSTU data. A comparative analysis of the foundation slab deformations was conducted using models with elastic and elastic-plastic model.

For this purpose, a foundation slab was designed, and a finite element model of the building was developed, examining the foundation on a soil massif with inclined stratification, using both elastic and elastic-plastic soil models.

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How to Cite
BONDAREVA, L., ZIMENKO, I., & BONDAREV, K. (2024). Interpretation of the data of modern methods of field soil research. Bases and Foundations, (48), 61–74.
Author Biographies

Liudmyla BONDAREVA, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics


Ivan ZIMENKO, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Student of the Department of Geotechnics

Kostiantyn BONDAREV, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

specialist, graduate of the Department of Geotechnics


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