Numerical studies of the distribution capability of a continuous linear strain soil base model for largesized raft foundations

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The paper examines the existing methodology for determining the main design parameters of the model in the form of a continuous linearly strained layer of finite distribution capability (the design thickness of the layer H0 and design stress-strain modulus E0) to simulate the adequate interaction between soil bases and large-size slab foundations. The aim of this work is to numerically study the stress-strain state of a uniformly loaded flexible rectangular foundation slab when the thickness of the soil base model layer is reduced in the form of a continuous linearly deformed layer of finite distribution capacity. Numerical studies of the effect of the thickness of the layer of the specified soil base model that interacts with a large-size flexible slab foundation of various rectangular shapes in plan were conducted in the SCAD package using the finite element method. The numerical study results have shown that when the ratio H0/Ha (the design thickness of the layer of the soil base model H0 to the actual compressible thickness of the soil base Ha) decreases, the maximum moment forces along the orthogonal axes of rectangular foundations decrease to 50% because of the decrease in the distribution capability of the soil base model and, accordingly, in the edge reactions R under the slab at equal average settlements of the slab saver. Numerical studies have shown interesting results on the distribution of moment forces in flexible rectangular slabs, where the maximum is outside the center of gravity of a uniformly loaded raft, which confirms the peculiarity of the interaction of flexible slabs with relatively narrow compressible layers under the sole. With an appropriate in-situ experimental justification, the use of the soil base model in the form as a continuous linearly strained layer of finite distribution capability with the design parameters (H0 and E0) rather than with the actual parameters (Ha and Ea) in calculations of large-size slab foundations can be of fundamental practical importance in their rational design, as the reinforcement can be reduced to 50%

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How to Cite
SAMORODOV, O., & HAVRYLIUK, O. (2024). Numerical studies of the distribution capability of a continuous linear strain soil base model for largesized raft foundations. Bases and Foundations, (48), 75–85.
Author Biographies

Oleksandr SAMORODOV, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Professor of the Department of Geotechnics, Underground Structures and Hydraulic Engineering
Doctor of Technical Sciences

Olha HAVRYLIUK, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geotechnics, Underground Structures and Hydraulic Engineering


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