Stress-strain state of building structures taking into account possible local failure of the element

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Veronika ZHUK


The issue of choosing a structural design and material for supporting structures is an important technical and economic task at the stage of developing a design solution. It depends on a number of factors: consequence class of the structure, reliability of the design solution, savings in basic building materials.

The publication provides a classification of design schemes and types of load-bearing structures used in the corresponding solutions. The disadvantages and advantages of using prefabricated and monolithic structures for the installation and subsequent operation of the structural scheme of buildings and structures are considered.

Modern design requirements include ensuring the ability of a damaged structure to adapt to new conditions while continuing to function while ensuring the integrity of human life, property and equipment. New conditions mean the consequences of the occurrence of a certain emergency situation, accompanied by weakening or overloading of the load-bearing structures of a structure or soil foundation: a change in the structural design, a combination of new existing loads and a redistribution of internal forces.

The publication reflects the results of assessing the redistribution of the stress-strain state of the elements of the “base - foundations - load-bearing structures” system as a result of the implementation of a hypothetical emergency situation with the exclusion of the load-bearing structure from operation.

The case of the collapse of one of the vertical load-bearing elements (local failure of the pylon) of an underground floor, which can be used as a dual-use structure, is considered.

Calculations for the stability of the structure against progressive collapse were carried out by numerical modeling in the LIRA SAPR-2019 software using a quasi-static calculation and the method of direct integration of dynamics over time.

It has been demonstrated that the method of numerical modeling the joint work of a building with a soil base affects the results of a calculation of the progressive collapse of the building frame.

The influence of local collapse of a vertical load-bearing element on the redistribution of stresses and strains in the foundation structures of a building section is assessed.

The load on the piles under the pylons around the element removed under the local failure scenario is expected to increase by 15...25%.

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How to Cite
HAVRYLIUK, O., NECHYPORENKO, D., & ZHUK, V. (2024). Stress-strain state of building structures taking into account possible local failure of the element. Bases and Foundations, (48), 100–115.
Author Biographies

Oleksandr HAVRYLIUK, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Assistant of the Department of Geotechnics

Dmytro NECHYPORENKO, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Postgraduate student of the Department of Geotechnics

Veronika ZHUK, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics


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