Strengthening of the soil base - preparation for the road surface of the existing enterprise

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Tetiana DYPTAN


The issue of constructing new and restoring existing complexes for the storage and processing of agricultural products, as well as logistics complexes, holds significant importance in today's conditions as an integral component of ensuring the normal functioning of our economy. Historically, in Ukraine, when developing regulatory documents, the primary requirements were outlined for the design and construction of civil and industrial buildings and structures: residential and administrative buildings, industrial facilities, and objects of transport, energy, and critical infrastructure. These requirements are based on ensuring strength, reliability, durability, safety, and cost-effectiveness.

For projects involving the construction of logistics complexes or agricultural facilities, the regulatory documents in Ukraine contain significantly fewer detailed instructions and requirements [1, 2]. Therefore, when implementing this class of projects, design solutions are often based on requirements outlined in construction regulatory documents from other countries, such as Eurocodes (EN) [10], British Standards (BS), or the standards of the United States (ASTM), where considerable experience has already been accumulated in the reliable operation of such facilities.

The issue of requirements for the engineering preparation of territories for industrial or agricultural projects during the development of comprehensive building plans is not sufficiently covered in national regulatory documents that establish requirements for the calculation of building structures, road construction, or comprehensive territory planning – these documents are too general and lack the necessary detailed information or clear requirements for the application of reliable design solutions.

As a result, there are often cases where deformations of the surrounding surface and access roads to these facilities significantly complicate and/or render their normal operation impossible.

This article focuses on the study of soil preparation as the foundation for access roads for a group of buildings and structures in a grain storage complex: assessing the condition of the foundation during the operation of the complex; identifying the causes of significant deformations; selecting methods for strengthening and stabilizing the foundation; and geotechnical quality control of the performed foundation strengthening work.

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How to Cite
RASHCHENKO, A., & DYPTAN, T. (2024). Strengthening of the soil base - preparation for the road surface of the existing enterprise. Bases and Foundations, (48), 116–128.
Author Biographies

Andrii RASHCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geotechnics

Tetiana DYPTAN, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geotechnics


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