Practical experience of installing an artificial base for industrial floors

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The installation of artificial foundations for industrial buildings and constructions (industrial floors) is becoming more and more relevant in modern construction, as the number of satisfactory sites for development is decreasing, territories with complex geological and hydrogeological conditions are increasingly being used. A high-quality installation of an artificial base should ensure the durability, strength and stability of the structure.

When preparing the site and arranging the artificial base, it is necessary to take into account such important factors as the type of soil, the level of groundwater, the expected load on the floor and the type of floor covering. Compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, the use of quality materials and professional execution of work are critical for the successful construction of industrial floors.

As part of the study, an overview and detailed description of the process of installing an artificial base for industrial floors was carried out on the example of a real construction, a warehouse complex with an area of 35,000 m² in the south-western outskirts of the city of Kyiv.

The article highlights that the foundation installation process includes two main stages: site preparation and creation of artificial foundation layers.

The preparation of the site includes cleaning and planning of the territory, removing and removing the fertile layer of soil, conducting engineering and geological studies and implementing measures for the engineering protection of the territory.

The arrangement of the artificial base includes the compaction of the existing soil layers, the creation of new artificial base layers and their mechanical compaction in combination with the reinforcement of the layers with geosynthetics materials (geogrids).

This study emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to site preparation and artificial base installation, which allows for reliable and long-term operation of industrial floors, minimizing the risks of deformation and damage.

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How to Cite
MALYSHEV, O., & MIROSHNYCHENKO, A. (2024). Practical experience of installing an artificial base for industrial floors. Bases and Foundations, (48), 129–138.
Author Biographies

Oleg MALYSHEV, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Geotechnics

Anton MIROSHNYCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

postgraduate student of the Department of Geotechnics


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