Consideration of the pliability of joints panels of a precast concrete building in the analysis of forces in foundation structures

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Summary. As cities develop, there is a rising trend towards the construction of multi-storey buildings. The main reason is dense urban development and rising land prices. One of the most common materials for the construction of multi-storey buildings is monolithic reinforced concrete. Monolithic structures allow architects to freely design the interior space, as well as more evenly distribute the forces in the frame elements, and the building works as one rigid structure. At the same time, the construction of monolithic structures requires significant time for construction and highly qualified control over the quality of monolithic work. Therefore, to accelerate the pace of construction, precast concrete structures are used.

This paper presents the results of numerical modeling of the interaction of the elements of the “soil-foundation-aboveground structure” system, taking into account the stiffness of the joints between wall panels.

A comparison of numerical modeling of a panel building was conducted using two principal schemes:

  1. A) Without considering the stiffness (pliability) of panel joints.

  2. B) Considering the stiffness of panel joints.

Each of these schemes included three variants of panel joint interpretation (sub-schemes):

Variant 1 - without considering the operation of vertical panel seams (panels are disconnected from each other).

Variant 2 - panels are connected with hinges, meaning vertical seams only transmit horizontal forces.

Variant 3 - panels are rigidly connected.

The influence of considering the stiffness of horizontal and vertical joints on the redistribution of forces in piles during the modeling of a large-panel building was studied.

It was found that in the absence of vertical panel connections (comparison of schemes A and B under Variant 1), considering the stiffness of the horizontal joint results in up to 8% discrepancies in the outcomes.

It was demonstrated that when hinged panel connections are considered vertically (comparison of schemes A and B under Variant 2), the inclusion of appropriate stiffness in horizontal and vertical joints results in discrepancies within 10%.

It was established that for rigid panel connections (comparison of schemes A and B under Variant 3), accounting for the stiffness of horizontal and vertical joints results in discrepancies of up to 10%.

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How to Cite
BOYKO, I., NOSENKO, V., & KRIVENKO, O. (2024). Consideration of the pliability of joints panels of a precast concrete building in the analysis of forces in foundation structures. Bases and Foundations, (49), 9–22.
Author Biographies

Igor BOYKO, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Professor of the Department of Geotechnics,

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Viktor NOSENKO, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Head of the Department of Geotechnics


Oleg KRIVENKO, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Assistant of the Department of Geotechnics


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