Monitoring of deformations of the deep pit wall and surrounding buildings in dense urban areas
Main Article Content
Summary. The construction of buildings in dense urban areas is often characterized by the presence of deep pits, with the arrangement of parking lots, technical rooms and shelters in them. The timeframe for the installation of zero-cycle structures is usually quite long and can be measured in several months, and in complex cases and with large volumes of underground structures, it can last for tens of months. Such works are accompanied by the excavation of tens of thousands of cubic meters of pit soil, changes in the stress-strain state of the soil base and the supporting structures of neighboring buildings, and thus the need to monitor the technical condition of both the pit wall and the surrounding buildings.
The paper analyzes the results of monitoring the state of the deep pit wall and the surrounding buildings in Kyiv.
The monitoring of deformations of the pit wall was carried out using the classical method (the method of direct repeated linear-angular notching) and the modern method using inclinometers. Monitoring of the deformations of the existing surrounding buildings was carried out by determining additional foundation settlements by leveling.
It is demonstrated that the modern tools used for monitoring have high accuracy, which is important when conducting observations in dense urban areas.
Based on the results of monitoring the deformations of existing nearby structures, it was determined that the additional settlements of existing buildings do not exceed the limit values according to DBN B.2.1-10:2018 Bases and foundations of buildings and structures.
This publication is the first in a series of articles on the assessment of the stress-strain state of the pit envelope and surrounding buildings, using the example of a specific construction site and includes both a description of the actual monitoring data in this article and numerical simulation of the stress-strain state in further publications.
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