Accounting of the coefficient of the soil porosity for determination of resistance of side surface of drilling pile

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Irina Maevska
Natalya Blashchuk


The influence of the coefficient of porosity of sandy and clay soils on the bearing capacity of drill piles was analyzed. At the time of solving the problem, the results of static tests of drilling and injection piles carried out at the Research Institute of Building Production and the Research Institute of Building Structures of Kyiv were used. The results of field tests of 17 drill piles from 10 different sites and 38 injection piles from 10 different sites are considered. The boundary resistance of the pile of different lengths and diameters, located in different soils was analyzed. To solve the problem, the geotechnical software complex "Plaxis 3D Foundation" was used, which simulated the stress-strain state of the drill pile in sands of various sizes and densities and clay soils of various types with a flow index of 0.2; 0.3; 0.5 and 0.6 The graph of the dependence was constructed and the influence of the porosity coefficient of sandy and clay soils on the bearing capacity of a drill pile up to 10 m long was analyzed. It was established that with decreasing the porosity coefficient the bearing capacity of the drill pile increases in all cases. Comparison of bearing capacity determined taking into account the coefficient of porosity, with the carrying capacity determined by the applicable norms, showed that the result obtained according to norms corresponds to the upper limit of the range of change in the coefficient of porosity, and therefore, with a lower value of the coefficient of porosity, a reserve of strength was established. As a result of the conducted mathematical modeling, new tables were obtained for determining the soil resistance on the side surface of the drill piles taking into account the porosity coefficient. The results of calculations using the proposed tables are compared with the results of static tests of drill piles. The results showed better compliance with the experimental data compared with the norm methodology. The developed tables allow to establish a more reliable calculated value of the bearing capacity of the drill piles. The consideration of the porosity coefficient in determining the bearing capacity of the drill piles in sandy and clay soils allows to use reserves of bearing capacity of such piles, laid down in the existing norms at low values of the coefficient of porosity, and to obtain a more economical solution. In addition, this reduces the number of pilot piles that are subject to a static test on the construction site.

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How to Cite
Maevska, I., & Blashchuk, N. (2019). Accounting of the coefficient of the soil porosity for determination of resistance of side surface of drilling pile. Bases and Foundations, (38), 53–64.
Author Biographies

Irina Maevska, Віницький національний технічний університет 95, Хмельницьке шосе, Вінниця, Україна, 21000

Доцент кафедри будівництва, міського господарства
та архітектури, к.т.н., доц.

Natalya Blashchuk, Віницький національний технічний університет 95, Хмельницьке шосе, Вінниця, Україна, 21000

Доцент кафедри будівництва, міського господарства та архітектури к.т.н., доц.


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